Learn to Draw with Easy Step-by-Step Tutorials

Drawing can certainly be a good activity to relieve stress. Drawing itself is indeed a good hobby that is fun to do. Today we are going to help you to learn to draw in an easy step by steps, especially if you want to try animal drawing ideas. This article might be very helpful for you.

Important Tips to Help you Improve your Drawing Skills

We will give you some tips before we learn how to draw something. Before we move to learn to draw with easy step-by-step tutorials and having some animal drawing ideas you must know about a few tips that you can use to help you improve your drawing skills.

There are many ways that you can do to make yourself better at drawing. Of course, skills such as drawing must always be honed to make an extraordinary change in your drawing ability. That’s why we will try to give any of you who like drawing some tips that can be very helpful for you so that you can draw much better than before. Before we talk about animal drawing ideas here are some tips that you might like to know, to help you improve your drawing skill.

  1. You Must Get the Right Setup

A very good drawing will begin with a good setup. The first thing is, that you must invest in a drawing board that must be larger than the paper you work with. You also need to make sure that the line of sight is perpendicular to the board. To help you get the correct angle, you can try to rest your board on your knees, and also you can prop it up against the table edge.

  1. You Must Break the Subjects Down into Shapes

If you want to improve your drawing skill, you must always observe images very closely, this will help you to understand the shapes that make the objects. This could be something essential if you want to make stylized illustrations.

  1. Practice

You need to always have practice e to help you increase your ability to draw. This is a very good way that you can do to make yourself a better artist.

  1. Try to Draw What you See, Not What you Have Known

To help you improve your skill at drawing, you must do this kind of thing. Drawing something that you see right now could be very handy to help you improve your ability to draw. Don’t try to draw something that you already know, because it won’t make you stuck and you don’t want it to happen.

  1. You Must Try to Sketch Upside Down

When you draw things upside down, it will help you to see things very differently, this also will help you to learn a new perspective on drawing things. This will help you improve your drawing skill as well.

Those are the 5 tips that you can try if you want to improve your drawing skill. Very easy to do and of course doing the stuff above will make you a better artist.

Improve your Animal Drawing Skill

You can draw anything you want and anything you like. But, if you want to learn or improve your animal drawing, you might like to learn a few steps below, to help you understand how to make a good animal drawing. Here are some tutorials that might be very helpful for you, especially if you want to improve your animal drawing skills.

  1. Observe the Animal First

Before you start your drawing, you need to stop and have a good look at the object that you want to draw. Take a moment to see things, observe and study the animal.

  1. You Must do the Research Before you Get There

Before you draw an animal, you must do some research first, and study the animal that you want to draw before you get there. You must learn about their muscle, skeletons, and also their pattern. This will help you in increasing your ability to draw an animal.

  1. You Also Need to take a Mental Picture

We know that animals can’t stay still. To combat this kind of situation, you must develop a technique of taking a very mental snapshot. don’t stare at the animal the entire time, you only need to have a glance and then after that quickly look away to your drawing page.

  1. You Also Need to Break the Body into Sections

This is also called an observation. You need to break down the sections into six main areas, the head, neck, front legs and also shoulders, body, rear legs, hips, and the last thing is the tail. This will help you to draw the animal in a very specific way.

Those are all the things that you need if you want to have animal drawing ideas. Hopefully, these could be good tips for any of you who like to draw animals.